Let's get this adventure started!
Fundraising Ideas and Links
Every Student Deserves to GO!

Community Cards are a great way to give value to your customers, support local businesses near your school, and raise money for your trip!
Go Tours can help you develop community cards for your school neighborhood and the places that your families enjoy patronizing. Cards are valid from one year from the start of the sale and are reusable discount cards that patrons can use over an over again. The community members who purchase the cards win in that they get local discounts on the places they want to shop at, the local businesses win in that you send them increased local sales, and of course the students win by raising money from card sales. Cards cost $20 for members of the community and students add $15 in profit for each card sold. Students can quickly generate a sizable fundraising account geared so that they can participate on the school trip!
Sees Candy Sales are a consistent tried and true fundraiser.
Everyone loves Sees Candy. Over the years different fundraiser sales come and go but consistently Sees Candy sales always top the charts. It is because of their brand recognition and known quality product that keeps peopple coming back year after year. Check them out at:

How Community Cards are a great way to give value to your customers, support local businesses near your school, and raise money for your trip!
Cookie Dough sales is also a high profit and easy sale item. Families loves to bake cookies together and selling cookie dough saves all of the hard work in preparing the dough. These sales work especially well headed into the holiday season. There are many companies who specialize in cookie dough sales. Or you can check out Otis Spunkmeyer at:

Need more ideas?
Of course there are many more fundraising ideas out there. In fact companies exist only to help out schools like yours in order to take trip like ours. ABC Fundraising is one of them but of course there are others. They have more great ideas on their site and you can check them out at:
Please Reach out and we’ll help you get started with your fundraising campaign!